A zenplot
can show the same information as a
plot but with two important display differences.
First, the matrix organization of the pairs
layout is
replaced by the “zig-zag” layout of zenplot
. Second, the
number of plots produced is about half that of a pairs
allowing each plot in a zenplot
to be given more visual
A convenient function to produce all pairs can be found in the
package found on cran
and installed in
via install.packages("PairViz")
We will illustrate this functionality and the difference between a
plot and a zenplot
by first considering
a small dataset on earthquakes having only a few variates. The
difference between the two plots becomes much more important for data
having larger numbers of variates – we illustrate the difference again
using German data on voting patterns in two elections.
The built-in R
data set called attenu
contains measurements to estimate the attenuating effect of distance on
the ground acceleration of earthquakes in California.
There are 5 different variates used to describe the peak acceleration of 23 California earthquakes measured at different observation stations. The data set contains 182 different peak acceleration measurements and has some missing data. The first few cases of the data set look like
## event mag station dist accel
## 1 1 7.0 117 12 0.359
## 2 2 7.4 1083 148 0.014
## 3 2 7.4 1095 42 0.196
## 4 2 7.4 283 85 0.135
## 5 2 7.4 135 107 0.062
## 6 2 7.4 475 109 0.054
Its variates are
## [1] "event" "mag" "station" "dist" "accel"
and we are interested in all pairs of these variates.
To get these, first imagine a graph having as its nodes the variates of the data. An edge of this graph connects two nodes and hence represents a pair of variates. If interest lies in all pairs of varates, then the graph is a complete graph – it will have an edge between every pair of nodes. An ordering of variate pairs corresponds to any path on the graph. To have an ordering of all pairs of variates, the path must visit all edges and is called an Eulerian, or Euler path. Such a path always exists for complete graphs on an odd number of nodes; when the number of nodes is even, extra edges must be added to the graph before an Eulerian can exist.
For a complete graph with n nodes, the function eseq
(for Euler sequence) function from the PairViz
returns an order in which the nodes (numbered 1 to n) can be visited to
produce an Euler path. It works as follows.
## Since attenu has 5 variates, the complete graph has n=5 nodes
## and an Euler sequence is given as
## [1] 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 1
In terms of the variate names of attenu
, this is:
## [1] "event" "mag" "station" "event" "dist" "mag" "accel"
## [8] "station" "dist" "accel" "event"
As can be seen in the corresponding complete graph below,
this sequence traces an Eulerian path on the complete graph and so
presents every variate next to every other variate somewhere in the
This functionality (and more) from PairViz
has been
bundled together in the zenplots
package as a single
function zenpath
. For example,
## [1] 5 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5
This sequence, while still Eulerian, is slightly different than that
returned by eseq(5)
. The sequence is chosen so that all
pairs involving the first index appear earliest in the sequence, then
all pairs involving the second index, and so on. We call this a “front
loaded” sequence and identify it with the zenpath
method = "front.loaded"
. Other possibilities are
method = "back.loaded"
and method = "balanced"
giving the following sequences:
## Back loading ensures all pairs appear latest (back) for
## high values of the indices.
zenpath(5, method = "back.loaded")
## [1] 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5 1
## Frot loading ensures all pairs appear earliest (front) for
## low values of the indices.
zenpath(5, method = "front.loaded")
## [1] 5 1 2 3 1 4 2 5 3 4 5
## Balanced loading ensures all pairs appear in groups of all
## indices (Hamiltonian paths -> a Hamiltonian decomposition of the Eulerian)
zenpath(5, method = "balanced")
## [1] 1 2 3 5 4 1 3 4 2 5 1
The differences are easier to see when there are more nodes. Below, we show the index ordering (top to bottom) for each of these three methods when the graph has 15 nodes, here labelled”a” to “o” (to make plotting easier).
Starting from the bottom (the back of the sequence), “back loading”
has the last index, “o”, complete its pairing with every other index
before “n” completes all of its pairings. All of “n”’s pairings complete
before those of “m”, all of “m”’s before “l”, and so on until the last
pairing of “a” and “b” are completed. Note that the last indices still
appear at the end of the sequence (since the sequence begins at the top
of the display and moves down). The term “back loading” is used here in
a double sense - the later (back) indices have their pairings appear as
closely together as possible towards the back of the returned sequence.
A simple reversal, that is
rev(zenpath(15, method = "back.loaded"))
, would have them
appear at the beginning of the sequence. In this case the “back loading”
would only be in one sense, namely that the later indexed (back) nodes
appear first in the reversed sequence.
Analogously, “front loading” has the first (front) indices appear at the front of the sequence with their pairings appear as closely together as possible.
The “balanced” case ensures that all indices appear in each block of pairings. In the figure there are 7 blocks.
All three sequences are Eulerian, meaning all pairs appear somewhere in each sequence.
Eulerian sequences can now be used to compare a pairs
plot with a zenplot
when all pairs of variates are to be
First a pairs plot:
## We remove the space between plots and suppress the axes
## so as to give maximal space to the individual scatterplots.
## We also choose a different plotting character and reduce
## its size to better distinguish points.
pairs(attenu, oma=rep(0,4), gap=0, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
We now effect a display of all pairs using zenplot
## Plotting character and size are chosen to match that
## of the pairs plot.
## zenpath ensures that all pairs of variates appear
## in the zenplot.
## The last argument, n2dcol, is chosen so that the zenplot
## has the same number of plots across the page as does the
## pairs plot.
zenplot(attenu[, zenpath(ncol(attenu))], n2dcol=4)
Each display shows scatterplot of all choose(5,2) =
pairs of variates for this data. Each display occupies the same total
With pairs
each plot is displayed twice and arranged in
a symmetric matrix layout with the variate labels appearing along the
diagonal. This makes for easy look-up but uses a lot of space.
With zenplot
, each plot appears only once with its
coordinate defining variates appearing as labels on horizontal (top or
bottom) and vertical (left or right) axis positions. The layout follows
the order of the variates in which the variates appear in the call to
beginning in the top left corner of the display and
then zig-zagging from top left to bottom right; when the rightmost
boundary or the display is reached, the direction is reversed
horizontally and the zigzag moves from top right to bottom left. The
following display illustrates the pattern (had by simply calling
## Call zenplot exactly as before, except that each scatterplot is replaced
## by an arrow that shows the direction of the layout.
zenplot(attenu[, zenpath(ncol(attenu))], plot2d="arrow", n2dcol=4)
The zig zag pattern of plots appears as follows.
display) has
horizontal variate event
and vertical variate
but now with horizontal variate station
Note that the variate station
has some missing values and
this is recorded on its label as station (some NA)
but now with vertical variate event
Since this is the first repeat appearance of event
appears with a suffix as event.1
and new horizontal variate dist
and as vertical variate the first repeat of the
variate mag
and new horizontal variate accel
.Like the pairs
plot, the zenplot
lays its
plots out on a two dimensional grid – the argument n2dcol=4
specifies the number of columns for the 2d plots (e.g. scatterplots). As
shown, this can lead to a lot of unused space in the display.
The zenplot
layout can be made more compact by different
choices of the argument n2dcol
(odd values provide a more
compact layout). For example,
By default, zenplot
tries to determine a value for
that minimizes the space unused by its zigzag
with layout directions as
As the direction arrows show, the default layout is to zigzag horizontally first as much as possible.
This is clearly a much more compact display. Again, axes are shared wherever a label appears between plots.
Unless explicitly specified, the value of n2dcol
determined by the aregument scaling
which can either be a
numerical value specifying the ratio of the height to the width of the
layout or be a string describing a page whose ratio
of height to width will be used. The possible strings are
letter'' (the default),
square’‘, A4'',
(for the golden ratio), or ``legal’’.
The display arrangement of a scatterplot matrix facilitates the lookup of the scatterplot for any particular pair of variates by simply identifying the corresponding row and columns.
The scatterplot matrix also simplifies the visual comparison of the one variate to each of several others by scanning along any single row (or column). Note however that this single row scan does come at the price of doubling the number of scatterplots in the display.
These two visual search facilities are diminished by the layout of a
. Although the same information is available in a
the layout does not lend itself to easy lookup from
variates to plots. If the zenplot
layout is used in an
interactive graphical system, other means of interaction could be
implemented to have, for example, all plots containing a particular
variate (or pair of variates) distinguish themselves visually by having
their background colour change temporarily.
On the other hand, the reverse lookup from plot to variates is
simpler in a zenplot
than in a scatterplot matrix,
particularly for large numbers of variates.
Both layouts allow a visual search for patterns in the point configurations. Having many plots be presented at once enables a quick visual search over a large space for the existence of interesting point configurations (e.g. correlations, outliers, grouping in data, lines, etc.).
When the number of plots is very large, an efficient compact layout
can dramatically increase the size of the visual search space. This is
where zenplot
’s zigzag layout outperforms the scatterplot
This could be illustrated this on the following example.
In the zenplots
package the data set
contains the district results of two German
federal elections (2002 and 2005) as well as a number of socio-economic
variates as well.
There are 299 districts and 68 variates yielding a possible
choose(68,2) =
2278 different scatterplots.
This many scatterplots will overwhelm a pairs
plot. In
its most compact form, the pairs plot for the first 34 variates already
occupies a fair bit of space:
(N.B. We do not execute any of these large plots simply to keep the storage needs of this vignette to a minimum. We do encourage the reader to execute the code however on their own.)
If you execute the above code you will see interesting point configurations including: some very strong positive correlations, some positive and negative correlations, non-linear relations, the existence of some outlying points, clustering, striation, etc.
Because this scatterplot matrix is for only half of the variates it
shows choose(34,2) =
561 different scatterplots, each one
twice. For a display of 1122 plots, only about one quarter of all 2278
pairwise variate scatterplots available in the data set appear in this
A second scatterplot matrix on the remaining 34 variates would also show only a quarter of the plots. The remaining half, 34 × 34 = 1156 plots, are missing from both plots.
In contrast, the zenplot
shows all 2278 plots at once.
In fact, because an Eulerian sequence requires a graph to be even
(i.e. each node has an even number of edges), whenever the number of
variates, p, is even
will repeat exactly p/2 pairs somewhere in the sequence
it returns.
To produce the zenplot
of all pairs of variates on the
German election data we call
zenplot(de_elect[,zenpath(68)], pch=".")
. (Again, we don’t
produce it here so as to minimize the storage footprint of this
## Try invoking the plot with the following
## zenplot(de_elect[,zenpath(68)], pch=".", n2dcol="square",col=adjustcolor("black",0.5))
In approximately the same visual space as the scatterplot matrix
(showing only 561 unique plots), the zenplot
efficiently and compactly laid out all 2278 different plots plus
r ncol(de_elect)
duplicate plots. This efficient layout
means that zenplot
can facilitate visual search for
interesting point configurations over much larger collections of variate
pairs – in the case of the German election data, this all possible pairs
of variates are presented simultaneously.
In contrast, all pairs loses most of the detail
Zenplots also accomodate a list of data sets whose pairwise contents are to be displayed. The need for this can arise quite naturally in many applications.
The German election data, for instance, contains socio-economic data whose variates naturally group together. For example, we might gather variates related to education into one group and those related to employment into another.
Education <- c("School.finishers",
"School.wo.2nd", "School.2nd",
"School.Real", "School.UED")
Employment <- c("Employed", "FFF", "Industry",
"CTT", "OS" )
We could plot all pairs for these two groups in a single
EducationData <- de_elect[, Education]
EmploymentData <- de_elect[, Employment]
## Plot all pairs within each group
zenplot(list(Educ= EducationData[, zenpath(ncol(EducationData))],
Empl= EmploymentData[, zenpath(ncol(EmploymentData))]))
All pairs of education variates are plotted first in zigzag order followed by a blank plot then continuing in the same zigzag pattern by plots all pairs of employment variates.
In addition to the Education
and Employment
groups above, a number of different groupings of variates having a
shared context. For example, these might include the following:
## Grouping variates in the German election data
Regions <- c("District", "State", "Density")
PopDist <- c("Men", "Citizens", "Pop.18.25", "Pop.25.35",
"Pop.35.60", "Pop.g.60")
PopChange <- c("Births", "Deaths", "Move.in", "Move.out", "Increase")
Agriculture <- c("Farms", "Agriculture")
Mining <- c("Mining", "Mining.employees")
Apt <- c("Apt.new", "Apt")
Motorized <- c("Motorized")
Education <- c("School.finishers",
"School.wo.2nd", "School.2nd",
"School.Real", "School.UED")
Unemployment <- c("Unemployment.03", "Unemployment.04")
Employment <- c("Employed", "FFF", "Industry", "CTT", "OS" )
Voting.05 <- c("Voters.05", "Votes.05", "Invalid.05", "Valid.05")
Voting.02 <- c("Voters.02", "Votes.02", "Invalid.02", "Valid.02")
Voting <- c(Voting.02, Voting.05)
VotesByParty.02 <- c("Votes.SPD.02", "Votes.CDU.CSU.02", "Votes.Gruene.02",
"Votes.FDP.02", "Votes.Linke.02")
VotesByParty.05 <- c("Votes.SPD.05", "Votes.CDU.CSU.05", "Votes.Gruene.05",
"Votes.FDP.05", "Votes.Linke.05")
VotesByParty <- c(VotesByParty.02, VotesByParty.05)
PercentByParty.02 <- c("SPD.02", "CDU.CSU.02", "Gruene.02",
"FDP.02", "Linke.02", "Others.02")
PercentByParty.05 <- c("SPD.05", "CDU.CSU.05", "Gruene.05",
"FDP.05", "Linke.05", "Others.05")
PercentByParty <- c(PercentByParty.02, PercentByParty.05)
The groups can now be used to explore internal group relations for many different groups in the same plot. Here the following helper function comes in handy.
groups <- list(Regions=Regions, Pop=PopDist,
Change = PopChange, Agric=Agriculture,
Mining=Mining, Apt=Apt, Cars=Motorized,
Educ=Education, Unemployed=Unemployment, Employed=Employment#,
# Vote02=Voting.02, Vote05=Voting.05,
# Party02=VotesByParty.02, Party05=VotesByParty.05,
# Perc02=PercentByParty.02, Perc05=PercentByParty.05
group_paths <- lapply(groups, FUN= function(g) g[zenpath(length(g), method = "front.loaded")] )
x <- groupData(de_elect, indices=group_paths)
zenplot(x, pch = ".", cex=0.7, col = "grey10")
All pairs within each group are presented following the zigzag
pattern; each group is separated by an empty plot. The
provides a quick overview of the pairwise
relationships between variates within all groups.
The plot can be improved some by using shorter names for the
variates. With a little work we can replace these within each group of
## Grouping variates in the German election data
RegionsShort <- c("ED", "State", "density")
PopDistShort <- c("men", "citizen", "18-25", "25-35", "35-60", "> 60")
PopChangeShort <- c("births", "deaths", "in", "out", "up")
AgricultureShort <- c("farms", "hectares")
MiningShort <- c("firms", "employees")
AptShort <- c("new", "all")
TransportationShort <- c("cars")
EducationShort <- c("finishers", "no.2nd", "2nd", "Real", "UED")
UnemploymentShort<- c("03", "04")
EmploymentShort <- c("employed", "FFF", "Industry", "CTT", "OS" )
Voting.05Short <- c("eligible", "votes", "invalid", "valid")
Voting.02Short <- c("eligible", "votes", "invalid", "valid")
VotesByParty.02Short <- c("SPD", "CDU.CSU", "Gruene", "FDP", "Linke")
VotesByParty.05Short <- c("SPD", "CDU.CSU", "Gruene", "FDP", "Linke")
PercentByParty.02Short <- c("SPD", "CDU.CSU", "Gruene", "FDP", "Linke", "rest")
PercentByParty.05Short <- c("SPD", "CDU.CSU", "Gruene", "FDP", "Linke", "rest")
shortNames <- list(RegionsShort, PopDistShort, PopChangeShort, AgricultureShort,
MiningShort, AptShort, TransportationShort, EducationShort,
UnemploymentShort, EmploymentShort, Voting.05Short, Voting.02Short,
VotesByParty.02Short, VotesByParty.05Short, PercentByParty.02Short,
# Now replace the names in x by these.
nGroups <- length(x)
for (i in 1:nGroups) {
longNames <- colnames(x[[i]])
newNames <- shortNames[[i]]
oldNames <- groups[[i]]
for (j in 1:length(longNames)) {
for (k in 1:length(newNames)) {
if (grepl(oldNames[k], longNames[j])) {
longNames[longNames == longNames[j]] <- newNames[k]
colnames(x[[i]]) <- longNames
zenplot(x, pch = ".", cex=0.75)
It can also be of interest to compare variates between groups. For example, to compare the various levels of education with the employment categories.
crossedGroups <- c(Employment, Education)
crossedPaths <- zenpath(c(length(Employment), length(Education)), method="eulerian.cross")
A zenplot
can be thought of as taking a data set whose
variates are to be plotted in the order given. A sequence of one
dimensional plots, as determined by the argument plot1d
are constructed in the order of the variates. Between each pair of these
plots, a two dimensional plot is constructed from the
variates of the 1d
plots. One variate provides the vertical
values and the other the horizontal x
values. If the orientation of the preceding one-dimensional plot is
horizontal, then that variate gives the x
values; if it’s
vertical then the vertical y
and 2d
plotsThe actual displays depend on the arguments plot1d
. There are numerous built-in choices provided.
For plot1d
any of the following strings may be selected
to produce a one-dimensional plot: "label"
, "points"
, "jitter"
, "boxplot"
, "hist"
, "rect"
, "lines"
. The
first in the list is the default.
For plot2d
any of the following strings can be given:
, "density"
, "axes"
, "arrow"
, "rect"
. Again,
the first of these is the default value.
For example, we could produce a boxplot
for the measured
variates of the earthquake data as follows:
earthquakes <- attenu[, c(1,2,4,5)] # ignore the station id
plot1d="boxplot", plot2d=NULL,
width1d=5, width2d=1,
There are a few things to note here. First that every variate in the
data set has a boxplot of its values presented and that the extent of
boxplot display is that variate’s range. Second, the argument
specification plot2d=NULL
causes a null plot to be produced
for each of the variate pairs. Third, the arguments width1d
and width2d
determine the relative widths of the two
Finally, the argument turns
determines the layout of the
plots by specifying where the next display (1d
) is to appear in relation to the current one. Here every
display appears to the right of the existing display.
An alternative layout of the same boxplots can be had by adjusting
the turns
plot1d="boxplot", plot2d=NULL,
width1d=1, width2d=1, # now widths must be the same
To better see how the turns work, arrows could be used instead to show the directions of the turns.
plot1d= "arrow", plot2d="arrow",
width1d=1, width2d=2,
Adding a rectangle to outline the drawing space will make the layout a little clearer and illustrate the arguments that are passed on to the pne and two dimensional plot functions.
plot1d = function(zargs, ...) {
rect_1d_graphics(zargs, ...)
arrow_1d_graphics(zargs, col="firebrick", lwd=3, add=TRUE, ...)
plot2d = function(zargs, ...) {
rect_2d_graphics(zargs, ...)
arrow_2d_graphics(zargs, col="steelblue", lwd=3, lty=2, add=TRUE, ...)
width1d = 1, width2d = 2,
The red arrows are the turns for the 1d
plots, the blue
dashed arrows for the 2d
plots. The turns are interlaced
and begin at the topmost red arrow for the 1d
plot. It
points right, matching the first turn "r"
in the list of
. The remaining arrows follow each other in clockwise
order. As can be seen, there is an arrow for each plot: red for the
plots, black for the 2d
The above example also introduces some other important features of
The value "arrow"
of plot2d
argument caused
an arrow to be drawn wherever a 2d
plot was to appear in
the direction of the turn associated with that plot. As the value of
here suggests, the argument could also have been a
In fact, when given a string value for plot2d
calls a function whose name is constructed with
this string. In the case of plot2d = "arrow"
calls the function arrow_2d_graphics
to produce a 2d
plot whenever one is required. The naming
convention constructs the function name from the string supplied, here
“arrow”, the dimensionality of the plot (here 2d
) and the
graphics package that is being used (here the base
package). The function of that name is called on
arguments appropriate to draw the plot.
The same construction is also used when a string is given as the
value of the plot1d
argument. For example
plot1d = "arrow"
causes the function named
to be called to draw the 1d
Should, for example, the user wish to extend the base functionality
of zenplot
to include say "myplot"
, they need
only write functions myplot_1d_graphics
to allow the value "myplot"
to be used for plot1d
and/or plot2d
in the
base graphics
package in R
. Note that two
other R
plotting packages besides the base
are supported by zenplot
, namely
either the highly customizable grid
package or the highly
interactive loon
package. The default package is
but either of the other two may be specified via
the pkg
argument to zenplot
as in
pkg = "grid"
or pkg = "loon"
When zenplot
is called with plot1d="arrow"
say, then one of the functions arrow_1d_graphics
, or arrow_1d_loon
will be called
upon depending on the value of the argument pkg
. This means
that a true extension of zenplot
to include, say,
plot1d = "myplot"
would require writing three functions,
namely myplot_1d_graphics
, myplot_1d_grid
, and
, to complete the functionality.
More often, as shown in the boxplot example, it will be a one-off
functionality that might be required for either plot2d
In this case, any function passed as the argument value will be used
by zenplot
to construct the corresponding plots. In the
boxplot example, the default functions boxplot_1d_graphics
and arrow_1d_graphics
were both called so that one could be
plotted on top of the other in each 1d
plot of the
can be used to layout graphics produced by any
of the three pkg
(i.e. graphics
, or loon
) provided all graphics used are
from the same package.
For example, suppose we were interested in the marginal distributions of the earthquake data. We might craft the following plot to investigate all marginal distributions and to compare each marginal to every other (i.e. all pairs).
width1d = 1, width2d = 2, n2dcol=5,
plot1d = function(zargs, ...) {
r <- extract_1d(zargs) # extract arguments for 1d
col <- adjustcolor(if (r$horizontal) "firebrick" else "steelblue",
alpha.f = 0.7)
hist_1d_graphics(zargs, col=col, ...)
plot2d=function(zargs, ...) {
r <- extract_2d(zargs) # extract arguments for 2d
x <- as.matrix(r$x)
xlim <- r$xlim
y <- as.matrix(r$y)
ylim <- r$ylim
qqtest(y, dataTest=x,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
cex=0.3, col="black", pch=19,
legend=FALSE, main="", axes=FALSE, ...)
Here we are using the function qqtest
from the package
of that name and whose display capability is built using only the base
package. For 2d
compares the two empirical distributions by drawing
an empirical quantile-quantile plot which should be near a straight line
if the marginal distributions are of the same shape. The empirical
quantile-quantile plot is supplemented by simulated values of empirical
quantiles from the empirical distribution of the horizontal variate. The
results of 1,000 draws from this distribution are shown in shades of
grey on the qqplot. The 1d
plots are shown as histograms
coloured "grey"
when that histogram was used to generate
the simulated values and in "steelblue"
when the histogram
was not.
As can be seen from the qqplots, since numerous points are outside the gray envelopes of each plot, no two marginal distributions would appear to be alike.
functionsEvery plot1d
function must take arbitrarily many
arguments, accepting at least the following set:
, a vector of values for a single variatehorizontal
, which is TRUE
if the
plot is to be horizontal,plotAsp
, the aspect ratio of the plot (i.e. the
smaller/larger side ration in [0,1])turn
, the single character turn out from the current
, a list containing information on the
identification of the plot
.If the plot1d
function is from the package
, then it should also expect to receive a
or viewport argument; if it is from the package
, it might also receive a parent
These arguments should be familiar to users of either package.
For a plot1d
function, the plotID
, the number of the group in which this
plot is placed,number.within.group
, the within group index of this
, the index of the variate among all variates in
the data set(s)label
, the variate label, andplotNo
, the number of the 1d
plot being
displayed (i.e its position in order among only those which are
).All other functions in the ellipsis, ...
, are passed on
to the drawing functions.
functionsEvery plot2d
function must take arbitrarily many
arguments, accepting at least the following set:
, a vector of values for the horizontal variatey
, a vector of values for the vertical variateturn
, the single character turn out from the current
, a list containing information on the
identification of the plot
.If the plot2d
function is from the package
, then it should also expect to receive a
or viewport argument; if it is from the package
, it might also receive a parent
These arguments should be familiar to users of either package.
For a plot2d
function, the plotID
, the number of the group in which this
plot is placed,number.within.group
, the within group index for these
variates (same index),index
, the indices of the variates among all variates
in the data set(s)label
, the labels of the variates, andplotNo
, the number of the 2d
the plot
being displayed (i.e its position in order among only those which are
).All other functions in the ellipsis, ...
, are passed on
to the drawing functions.